Vim is an editor to create or edit a text file.
There are two modes in vim. One is the command mode and another is the insert mode. In the command mode, user can move around the file, delete text, etc. In the insert mode, user can insert text.
There are two modes in vim. One is the command mode and another is the insert mode. In the command mode, user can move around the file, delete text, etc. In the insert mode, user can insert text.
Changing mode from one to anotherFrom command mode to insert mode type a/A/i/I/o/O ( see details below)
From insert mode to command mode type Esc (escape key)
Some useful commands for VIMText Entry Commands (Used to start text entry)
a Append text following current cursor position
A Append text to the end of current line
i Insert text before the current cursor position
I Insert text at the beginning of the cursor line
o Open up a new line following the current line and add text there
O Open up a new line in front of the current line and add text there
a Append text following current cursor position
A Append text to the end of current line
i Insert text before the current cursor position
I Insert text at the beginning of the cursor line
o Open up a new line following the current line and add text there
O Open up a new line in front of the current line and add text there
The following commands are used only in the commands mode.
Cursor Movement Commands
Cursor Movement Commands
h Moves the cursor one character to the left
l Moves the cursor one character to the right
k Moves the cursor up one line
j Moves the cursor down one line
nG or :n Cursor goes to the specified (n) line(ex. 10G goes to line 10)
^F (CTRl F) Forward screenful
^B Backward screenful
^f One page forward
^b One page backward
^U Up half screenful
^D Down half screenful
$ Move cursor to the end of current line
0 (zero) Move cursor to the beginning of current line
w Forward one word
l Moves the cursor one character to the right
k Moves the cursor up one line
j Moves the cursor down one line
nG or :n Cursor goes to the specified (n) line(ex. 10G goes to line 10)
^F (CTRl F) Forward screenful
^B Backward screenful
^f One page forward
^b One page backward
^U Up half screenful
^D Down half screenful
$ Move cursor to the end of current line
0 (zero) Move cursor to the beginning of current line
w Forward one word
b Backward one word
Exit Commands:wq Write file to disk and quit the editor
:q! Quit (no warning)
:q Quit (a warning is printed if a modified file has not been saved)
ZZ Save workspace and quit the editor (same as :wq)
: 10,25 w temp
write lines 10 through 25 into file named temp. Of course, other line
numbers can be used. (Use :f to find out the line numbers you want.
:q! Quit (no warning)
:q Quit (a warning is printed if a modified file has not been saved)
ZZ Save workspace and quit the editor (same as :wq)
: 10,25 w temp
write lines 10 through 25 into file named temp. Of course, other line
numbers can be used. (Use :f to find out the line numbers you want.
:e filename | Open filename for edition |
:w | Save file |
:q | Exit Vim |
:q! | Quit without saving |
:x | Write file (if changes has been made) and exit |
:sav filename | Saves file as filename |
. | Repeats the last change made in normal mode |
Moving in the file
k or Up Arrow | move the cursor up one line |
j or Down Arrow | move the cursor down one line |
e | move the cursor to the end of the word |
b | move the cursor to the begining of the word |
0 | move the cursor to the begining of the line |
G | move the cursor to the end of the file |
gg | move the cursor to the begining of the file |
L | move the cursor to the bottom of the screen |
:59 | move cursor to line 59. Replace 59 by the desired line number. |
20| | move cursor to column 20. |
% | Move cursor to matching parenthesis |
[[ | Jump to function start |
[{ | Jump to block start |
Cut, copy & paste
y | Copy the selected text to clipboard |
p | Paste clipboard contents |
dd | Cut current line |
yy | Copy current line |
y$ | Copy to end of line |
D | Cut to end of line |
/word | Search word from top to bottom |
?word | Search word from bottom to top |
* | Search the word under cursor |
/\cstring | Search STRING or string, case insensitive |
/jo[ha]n | Search john or joan |
/\< the | Search the, theatre or then |
/the\> | Search the or breathe |
/fred\|joe | Search fred or joe |
/\<\d\d\d\d\> | Search exactly 4 digits |
/^\n\{3} | Find 3 empty lines |
:bufdo /searchstr/ | Search in all open files |
bufdo %s/something/somethingelse/g | Search something in all the open buffers and replace it with somethingelse |
:%s/old/new/g | Replace all occurences of old by new in file |
:%s/onward/forward/gi | Replace onward by forward, case unsensitive |
:%s/old/new/gc | Replace all occurences with confirmation |
:%s/^/hello/g | Replace the begining of each line by hello |
:%s/$/Harry/g | Replace the end of each line by Harry |
:%s/onward/forward/gi | Replace onward by forward, case unsensitive |
:%s/ *$//g | Delete all white spaces |
:g/string/d | Delete all lines containing string |
:v/string/d | Delete all lines containing which didn’t contain string |
:s/Bill/Steve/ | Replace the first occurence of Bill by Steve in current line |
:s/Bill/Steve/g | Replace Bill by Steve in current line |
:%s/Bill/Steve/g | Replace Bill by Steve in all the file |
:%s/^M//g | Delete DOS carriage returns (^M) |
:%s/\r/\r/g | Transform DOS carriage returns in returns |
:%s#<[^>]\+>##g | Delete HTML tags but keeps text |
:%s/^\(.*\)\n\1$/\1/ | Delete lines which appears twice |
Ctrl+a | Increment number under the cursor |
Ctrl+x | Decrement number under cursor |
ggVGg? | Change text to Rot13 |
Vu | Lowercase line |
VU | Uppercase line |
g~~ | Invert case |
vEU | Switch word to uppercase |
vE~ | Modify word case |
ggguG | Set all text to lowercase |
gggUG | Set all text to uppercase |
:set ignorecase | Ignore case in searches |
:set smartcase | Ignore case in searches excepted if an uppercase letter is used |
:%s/\<./\u&/g | Sets first letter of each word to uppercase |
:%s/\<./\l&/g | Sets first letter of each word to lowercase |
:%s/.*/\u& | Sets first letter of each line to uppercase |
:%s/.*/\l& | Sets first letter of each line to lowercase |
Read/Write files
:1,10 w outfile | Saves lines 1 to 10 in outfile |
:1,10 w >> outfile | Appends lines 1 to 10 to outfile |
:r infile | Insert the content of infile |
:23r infile | Insert the content of infile under line 23 |
File explorer
:e . | Open integrated file explorer |
:Sex | Split window and open integrated file explorer |
:Sex! | Same as :Sex but split window vertically |
:browse e | Graphical file explorer |
:ls | List buffers |
:cd .. | Move to parent directory |
:args | List files |
:args *.php | Open file list |
:grep expression *.php | Returns a list of .php files contening expression |
gf | Open file name under cursor |
Interact with Unix
:!pwd | Execute the pwd unix command, then returns to Vi |
!!pwd | Execute the pwd unix command and insert output in file |
:sh | Temporary returns to Unix |
$exit | Retourns to Vi |
:%!fmt | Align all lines |
!}fmt | Align all lines at the current position |
5!!fmt | Align the next 5 lines |
:tabnew | Creates a new tab |
gt | Show next tab |
:tabfirst | Show first tab |
:tablast | Show last tab |
:tabm n(position) | Rearrange tabs |
:tabdo %s/foo/bar/g | Execute a command in all tabs |
:tab ball | Puts all open files in tabs |
:new abc.txt | Edit abc.txt in new window |
Window spliting
:e filename | Edit filename in current window |
:split filename | Split the window and open filename |
ctrl-w up arrow | Puts cursor in top window |
ctrl-w ctrl-w | Puts cursor in next window |
ctrl-w_ | Maximize current window vertically |
ctrl-w| | Maximize current window horizontally |
ctrl-w= | Gives the same size to all windows |
10 ctrl-w+ | Add 10 lines to current window |
:vsplit file | Split window vertically |
:sview file | Same as :split in readonly mode |
:hide | Close current window |
:nly | Close all windows, excepted current |
:b 2 | Open #2 in this window |
Ctrl+n Ctrl+p (in insert mode) | Complete word |
Ctrl+x Ctrl+l | Complete line |
:set dictionary=dict | Define dict as a dictionnary |
Ctrl+x Ctrl+k | Complete with dictionnary |
m {a-z} | Marks current position as {a-z} |
' {a-z} | Move to position {a-z} |
'' | Move to previous position |
:ab mail | Define mail as abbreviation of |
Text indent
:set autoindent | Turn on auto-indent |
:set smartindent | Turn on intelligent auto-indent |
:set shiftwidth=4 | Defines 4 spaces as indent size |
ctrl-t, ctrl-d | Indent/un-indent in insert mode |
>> | Indent |
<< | Un-indent |
=% | Indent the code between parenthesis |
1GVG= | Indent the whole file |
Opening a New File
Step 1 type vim filename (create a file named filename)
Step 2 type i ( switch to insert mode)
Step 3 enter text (enter your Ada program)
Step 4 hit Esc key (switch back to command mode)
Step 5 type :wq (write file and exit vim)
Editing the Existing File
Step 1 type vim filename (edit the existing file named filename)
Step 2 move around the file using h/j/k/l key or any appropriate command
h Moves the cursor one character to the left
l Moves the cursor one character to the right
k Moves the cursor up one line
j Moves the cursor down one line
nG or :n Cursor goes to the specified (n) line
(ex. 10G goes to line 10)
Step 3 edit required text (replace or delete or insert)
Step 4 hit Esc key (exit from insert mode if you insert or replace text)
Step 5 type :wq
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