Tuesday, 13 February 2018


1. Implement singly linked list with folowing operations.
      1.insert a node at front in SLL
      2.insert a node at rear in SLL
      3.delete a node at front in SLL
      4.delete a node at rear in SLL.
      5.insert a node into nth position in SLL.
      6.delete a node into nth position in SLL.
      7.insert a node at the middle of SLL.
      8.Delete a node at the middle of SLL
      9.Delete the entire list.
      10.check and remove the loop in a SLL.
      11.find the merging point of two SLL.
      12.find the middle node of SLL.
      13.given only pointer to a node,how will  you  delete that node in SLL?(NOTE: head pointer       Is also not given)
      14.create a copy of SLL.
      15.compare whether the two SLL are identical or not.
      16.sorting of SLL. (NOTE:swap the links not data)
      17.WAP to insert nodes in to a SLL in a sorted fashion.
      18.WAP to return the nth nodes from the end of SLL.
      20.WAP to remove duplicates data in SLL.
      21.WAP to reverse the SLL with and without recursion.(NOTE:swap the links)
      22.WAP to append the two SLL.
      23.find the least and largest element in SLL

2. Implement doubly linked list with following operations
      24.Insert at front,rear,middle and specified position.
      25.Delete at front, rear, middle and specified position.
      26.Find the least and largest element in the list
      27.forward and Reverse display.
      28.WAP to reverse the DLL.(Note: swap the links not data)
      29.Sorting of DLL. (NOTE: swap the links not data)

3. Implement circular linked list with following operations
      30.Insert at front, rear and specified position.
      31.Delete front, rear and specified position.
      32.find the least and largest element in the list
      33.forward and reverse display
      34.Search a  data in linked list

4. Implement doubly circular linked list with following operations
      35.Insert at front, rear and specified position.
      36.Delete front, rear and specified position.
      37.find the least and largest element in the list
      38.forward and reverse display
      39.search a data in linked list

  5. Insert element into the linked list based on key value(Ascending order)
  6. Free the entire linked list
7. Reverse linked list
8. Merge two single linear linked list
9. Doubly Circular linked list
10. Implementation QUEUE of STACKS
11. Implementation STACK of QUEUES
12. Implementation of Priority queue
13. Implementation of Circular queue
14. Implementation the BST Non-recursive
15. Implement the following sorting methods. Do the run time analysis for large number of data.
·         Quick sort
·         Radix sort
·         Bucket sort

17. What are different Sorting algorithms. Name and Describe all of them.
18. What is the Time Complexity of an algorithm
19. What is Big 0 Notation 0(n) ? What is its importance ?
20. What are the order and Time Complexity of different sorting algorithms.
21. In which scenario each of Sorting algorithm used for?
22. What is the Binary Tree ? Implement it .
23. What is Hashing ?
24. In  any tree, if you know the number of Tree having one Node ( Say T1 ) and your know the number of tree having two Nodes ( Say T2 ) , how will you find the the number of Leaves.
25. Write a function for Q8 and implement using a function pointer, the parameters being T1 and T2.
26. If in a Singly Linked list you are given the address of  one of the nodes. You have to delete this node only and the rest of the data elements of the tree has to remain intact. Explain the logic and implement it in C.
27. Implement two stacks using same array.
28. What is the Difference between the singly linked list and doubly linked list. Specify the significance of each one.
29. Question Description: U have a memory from x address to y address.
      X                              Y
      The data is thr from x to p ..don't how much size of data
      X                      p              Y
      We need to move this data from q to Y taking all condition
      Condition 1. we  should not loose the data
              2. The memory should not overlap and memeory should nt cross   Y. U don't have memory after Y
       3 U have only memory between X and Y
      X                q     p              Y
       Hint for Ans: U should copy the data reversly
30. Question on Bit.Bits should be btwn location X to p (Refer above digram)
Question Descpriotn: We should move the data from Bit -1 to 4 to 10 to 14, Condtion when u DO right or left shift u will losse the data. data loss should be taken care
31. Write a program to print the link data from the last node.
32. linked list program to delete all same node from the list ( in a single traversing )
33. Then one question on linked list, It was like 100 nodes are present, Each node has one number between 1 to 100 but not in order. If I delete any node, how will you come to know which node(means data) was deleted?
write a program to find the first bit set in 32-bit number

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